Bit4id at the first ELITE Day | October 1st, 2018 Milan


Bit4id joins the first global event of the community. #weareELITE

Today, October 1st 2018, the ELITE programme’s first-ever conference is taking place in Milan. Companies and partners from 32 different countries gather together to share experiences and face new challenges.

Bit4id is one of the companies attending the event to share insights, challenges, perspectives and inspiration for global success. Antonio Chello, Bit4id CEO: “Being part of the Elite community we can get inspired and learn how to achieve ambitious goals, identify new opportunities and find appropriate resources to give wings to our ideas.”

Michael Spence, 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, at the ELITE Day

The event takes place at the stock exchange headquarters. ELITE Day will include networking sessions and closed-door workgroup sessions with executives and managers of leading international organisations. The day will close with a speech by Elite CEO Luca Peyrano, who will present future strategies and new international partnerships.

Luca Peyrano, ELITE Ceo: “In the six years since its launch, ELITE has become a global community spanning 32 countries, united by the common goal of providing companies with access to the capital, skills and networks they need to grow. Supporting these enterprises, which are vital to our economy, is the reason we have organised today’s ELITE Day: Every day we see the value that connections formed through the ELITE network bring to our companies, opening new opportunities and boosting growth. Here in Milan, we will be sharing insights, debating key topics and trends affecting businesses worldwide, and drive inspiration for our global success.”