How blockchain will transform the public sector: Notartel and its new project


Blockchain is seen as a major breakthrough as it ensures high levels of traceability and security. This technology is constantly evolving and it can be integrated in multiple areas with several uses.

The application of blockchain technology in the public sector is particularly useful because it ensures many benefits such as cost reduction, process simplification and transaction security.

Notartel, the IT company for Italian public Notaries, launched a web application prototype based on permissioned blockchain, developing the technology in partnership with Bit4id.

The “Professional Register” (in Italian Albo unico delle professioni) is a new useful application to coordinate different databases and share qualified information, guaranteeing complete autonomy to each professional order in the management of information.

Ensuring data authenticity and integrity, blockchain technology is essential to access services that require a certificate to prove the registration in a professional order. This application uses private permissioned blockchain, where write permissions are restricted only to allowed members, while read access to the blockchain data is available to third parties.

The result is a simplified and certified system: the digital identity of a user is connected with his professional role, certified by the professional order, so he be easily identified.

The experimental project was presented by Notartel at Forum PA 2018, the annual event on the innovation of public administration.